Lincolnville Whitchurch-Stouffville Real Estate

Lincolnville is a neighbourhood in the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville, Ontario

Lincolnville Whitchurch-Stouffville Real Estate

Lincolnville is a neighbourhood in the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville, Ontario


Lincolnville is a charming, rural neighbourhood located in the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville, Ontario. It is known for its peaceful and serene atmosphere, surrounded by rolling hills, fertile farmland and forests. The community is centered around the Lincolnville Public School and the local church, both of which are popular gathering places for the residents. The neighbourhood is close-knit, and residents are proud of their rural heritage.

The majority of homes in Lincolnville are single-family homes on spacious lots with mature trees, gardens and ample green space. This neighbourhood is popular among families, retirees and hobby farmers, who appreciate the peace and quiet of rural living. The residents are friendly, and many are involved in community activities, such as the local agricultural fair, gardening clubs and church groups.

Lincolnville is conveniently located just a short drive from Stouffville, a growing and dynamic town that offers a wide range of amenities, including supermarkets, banks, pharmacies, health clinics, and a hospital. Stouffville also has a thriving arts and culture scene, and many shops and restaurants, which offer a unique and vibrant shopping and dining experience.

For those who enjoy the great outdoors, Lincolnville is a paradise. The neighbourhood is surrounded by miles of rolling countryside, and many of the homes have large yards, gardens and pools. The neighbourhood is a popular spot for hikers, cyclists, and bird watchers, who enjoy exploring the scenic trails, parks, and natural areas nearby.

Lincolnville also offers excellent access to transportation, with Highway 48 just a short drive away, providing quick and easy access to Toronto and other major cities in the region. The neighbourhood is also serviced by a school bus, and public transportation is available in nearby Stouffville.

Lincolnville is an idyllic neighbourhood, with a strong sense of community, a peaceful and rural atmosphere, and easy access to a wide range of amenities. It is the perfect place for families, retirees, and anyone looking for a quieter, more relaxed lifestyle. Whether you are looking for a place to call home, or a peaceful place to retire, Lincolnville is a neighbourhood worth exploring.

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  • Direct: 416-845-4035
  • Office: 905-831-2222
  • 1029 Brock Road, Suite 200
  • Pickering ON L1W 3T7