Vanier Oshawa Real Estate

Vanier is a neighbourhood in the City of Oshawa, Ontario

Vanier Oshawa Real Estate

Vanier is a neighbourhood in the City of Oshawa, Ontario


Vanier is a neighbourhood located in Oshawa, Ontario. It is situated in the central part of the city, near the Oshawa Creek, making it an ideal location for those who love the outdoors and nature. The neighbourhood is known for its tree-lined streets and quiet, residential feel, making it a great choice for families and those who are looking for a peaceful, suburban lifestyle.

The homes in Vanier are primarily single-detached houses, with a mix of older homes as well as newer construction. Many of the homes in the neighbourhood have large, well-manicured yards and gardens, providing ample outdoor space for families and pets. In addition to the residential properties, there are also several parks and green spaces located throughout the neighbourhood, including the Oshawa Creek Park, which offers a walking trail and picnic areas.

Vanier is also well-connected, with easy access to a variety of public transportation options, including buses and trains. This makes it easy for residents to get around the city and beyond, whether they are commuting to work or exploring other parts of Oshawa and the Greater Toronto Area.

In terms of amenities, Vanier has a great selection of local shops and services, including grocery stores, cafes, and restaurants. There are also several schools located in the neighbourhood, including both public and Catholic schools, making it an excellent location for families with children.

Vanier is a neighbourhood in Oshawa that offers a peaceful, suburban lifestyle with easy access to the outdoors, amenities, and transportation. Whether you are a family looking for a place to call home, or you are seeking a quiet retreat from the hustle and bustle of the city, Vanier is a great choice for you.

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  • Direct: 416-845-4035
  • Office: 905-831-2222
  • 1029 Brock Road, Suite 200
  • Pickering ON L1W 3T7