Centennial Oshawa Real Estate

Centennial is a neighbourhood in the City of Oshawa, Ontario

Centennial Oshawa Real Estate

Centennial is a neighbourhood in the City of Oshawa, Ontario


Centennial is a neighbourhood located in Oshawa, Ontario. It is a bustling community that offers residents an attractive blend of urban conveniences and suburban tranquility.

The neighbourhood is bordered by Simcoe Street to the north, Ritson Road to the east, and Britannia Avenue to the south. It is a large neighbourhood that encompasses a number of residential streets and cul-de-sacs. The homes in the area are predominantly single-family homes, with a few townhouses and apartments interspersed throughout the neighbourhood.

Centennial offers a wide range of amenities and services to residents. There are several parks and green spaces located within the neighbourhood, including Centennial Park, which offers a large playground, soccer fields, and baseball diamonds. The Oshawa Public Library has a branch located in the neighbourhood, offering residents access to books, movies, and other resources. The neighbourhood is also home to several schools, including Centennial Public School and R.S. McLaughlin Public School.

Residents of Centennial have easy access to a number of shopping and dining options. The neighbourhood is located near the Oshawa Centre, a large shopping mall that offers over 150 stores, a food court, and a variety of restaurants. Additionally, there are several grocery stores, drug stores, and other retail establishments located within a short drive of the neighbourhood.

The neighbourhood of Centennial is well-connected to the rest of Oshawa and the Greater Toronto Area. The Oshawa GO Station is located just a few minutes' drive from the neighbourhood, offering residents easy access to public transportation and the rest of the region. The 401 highway, which runs through Oshawa, provides residents with quick and convenient access to other parts of the city and the Greater Toronto Area.

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  • Direct: 416-845-4035
  • Office: 905-831-2222
  • 1029 Brock Road, Suite 200
  • Pickering ON L1W 3T7