Bowmanville Real Estate

Bowmanville is a town in the municipality of Clarington, Ontario

Bowmanville Real Estate

Bowmanville is a town in the municipality of Clarington, Ontario


Bowmanville is a vibrant and growing town located in the municipality of Clarington, Ontario. The Town of Bowmanville is well-known for its rich history and its beautiful, mature tree-lined streets that add to its unique character and charm. Bowmanville is situated just east of Oshawa and is approximately 60 km from Toronto, making it an ideal location for those who are looking for a peaceful, small-town atmosphere with easy access to the big city.

Bowmanville is well known for its impressive Victorian and Georgian homes, many of which have been beautifully restored and well-maintained, making it a popular location for home buyers looking for character homes. The town also offers a mix of modern and traditional styles, including a variety of new builds and condominiums, to cater to a wider range of buyers.

The Bowmanville community is proud of its rich history and offers many opportunities to experience it. The Bowmanville Museum is a popular destination for visitors and residents alike, where visitors can learn about the town's past and its important role in the history of the region. The Bowmanville Heritage District is another popular attraction, which showcases the town's unique architecture, including beautiful Victorian and Georgian homes, charming inns, and historic commercial buildings.

The town is well served by several recreational facilities, including parks, community centres, and sports fields, making it an ideal location for those who enjoy an active lifestyle. The Bowmanville Valley Conservation Area, for example, is a beautiful park that offers a variety of outdoor activities, including hiking, cycling, fishing, and bird watching. The Bowmanville Community Centre is another popular destination for residents and visitors, offering a variety of programs, including fitness classes, sports leagues, and special events.

Bowmanville is a beautiful town that offers a mix of history, culture, and recreation, making it an ideal location for those who are looking for a peaceful and vibrant community. With its rich history, charming architecture, and beautiful parks and recreational facilities, Bowmanville is a great place to live, work, and play.

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  • Direct: 416-845-4035
  • Office: 905-831-2222
  • 1029 Brock Road, Suite 200
  • Pickering ON L1W 3T7